Proud Of the Company and all of the Contributors 
Our very proud STC Board of Directors with the trophy for 2014 THEATRE OF THE YEAR. Back Row: Katherine Cleland, Richard Schaefer, Ken Michels, Ashley Banker, Ray Bunnage. Front Row: Lee Ann Hittenberger, Gianni Truzzi, Teresa Thuman
Dear Friend of Sound Theatre Company:
Last month, Sound Theatre Company had a very big night at the 6th Annual Theatre Puget Sound 2014 Gregory Awards. Adding to a mounting list of accomplishments, STC won five of the twenty awards presented to Washington state theatres, including the prestigious Theatre of the Year and the competitive Outstanding Production of a Musical for The Wild Party. This astounding achievement for STC received headlines in American Theatre Magazine and The Seattle Times. If 2013 was a ” break out year,” then 2014 proved STC’s consistent excellence and cements us as a truly “sound” theatre company.
With your help, and the fulfillment of a generous matching grant, 2015 can be even stronger.
Stiff, and Much Larger, Competition
The other theatres competing for these honors included the largest, established, fully-funded Seattle area theatre organizations with extensive administrative support staffs, professional artisans and resident theatre facilities. STC is essentially a homeless, volunteer-based organization with similar demands while producing on a fraction of the budget. This stark contrast is worth noting and one reason this accomplishment is so meaningful.
Yet, even with a careful use of our limited resources, we still need to end this year in the black and launch next year with the funds to produce future productions. Tickets sales are an unpredictable source of revenue and rarely account for even half of our production costs. Our needs are as great as our accomplishments.
And now we are poised for another large step forward in 2015 with a special matching gift opportunity. A generous patron has extended a matching grant up to $5000 of the funds we raise in our end of year campaign. Now through December 31st, 2014, your donation will be doubled in value. If your business offers matching funds, your gift can go three-times as far to support our programming.
Please consider an end of year tax-deductible donation at this time to help us reach this goal. You can make a convenient and secure online donation at (Click on the “Donate” page.)
Or you can mail your donation to:
Sound Theatre Company
PO Box 99327
Join us as we continue to present a broad range of smart, meaningful and award-winning theatre experiences that challenge and delight our audiences into the next year and beyond.
With Sincere Gratitude,
Teresa Thuman
Producing Artistic Director