Sound Theatre News

Thanks for Swinging By

Thanks for Swinging By

Thanks for "swinging by" to catch THE SCHOOL FOR LIES during it's run at the Center Theatre! Marianna de Fazio (Eliante) demonstrating the fine art of chandelier swinging in "The School for Lies." Photo by Ken Holmes. We look forward to seeing you at our next exciting...

BLOOD RELATIONS Early Bird Tickets

BLOOD RELATIONS Early Bird Tickets

SAVE NOW on Early Bird tickets to BLOOD RELATIONS COMING IN SEPTEMBER A tense thriller based on the historical facts and speculation surrounding Lizzie Borden, who was charged with the 1892 murders of her father and stepmother. Ten years after her acquittal, Lizzie is...

“Powerful” “The cast is sublime”-  A Small Fire

“Powerful” “The cast is sublime”- A Small Fire

"Powerful" "The cast is sublime" A Small Fire by Adam Bock  "There's lots of really good theatre in Seattle right now.  Put this one up there with the best." - Nancy Worssam  Tickets still available! Click HERE for tickets Talkback Thursdays begin TONIGHT! The reviews...

Meet the Actors of “A Small Fire”

Meet the Actors of “A Small Fire”

Meet the Actors of "A Small Fire" TERI LAZZARA (Emily Bridges) Teri has acted with many local companies including Annex Theater, Book-it Repertory Theater, Our American Theater Co. (with Julie Beckman at the helm for Angels Fall) and Theater Schmeater. She was seen...


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