One Man, Two Guvnors Content Advisory
Rating: PG-13
One Man, Two Guvnors is a classic British farce, complete with mistaken identities, slamming doors, and manic antics. Francis, the main character, in order to hide the fact that he is working for two different employers, comes up with complicated schemes which sometimes confuse even himself. Some children may find the plot confusing as well, although since it is all played for comedy this may not be important.
Adult Language:
Adult language is occasionally uttered by panicked individuals, and/or for comic effect. S*** is used 9 times, d*ck twice. The British terms “arse” and “cock-up” are used. “Balls” are referenced.
Sexual References:
The few sexual references are all done for comic effect. Masturbation is referred to once. A woman protests marrying a man who is trying to hide the fact he is homosexual. An amorous couple start taking each other’s clothes off, but nothing is seen—both are wearing boxers under their pants, the woman’s shirt stays on, the man’s shirt is unbuttoned to reveal his chest.
No drug use. No drunkenness. One man is briefly seen smoking. Bottles of wine are ordered (and mixed up). Social drinking occurs at a party.
The few violent instances are done for comic effect, and are not frightening. A man pompously threatens another with a knife, and in turn is threatened with a bigger knife. One man is kneed in the groin. One man is grabbed in the groin. A character is mentioned as having been murdered earlier, and the murderer claims it was an “accident”.