Dear friends and supporters,
I know you receive so many fundraising appeals this time of year. Trust me–I would rather be writing to you about the power of theatre and our astounding, innovative artists.
But we need to have an honest conversation about money and it’s essential role in the theatre we present.
While Sound Theatre Company has built a reputation for high quality theatre, most people we encounter think we have far more money than we do, even as we continue to win prestigious awards. At the same time we have sought to create innovative and inclusive theatre with a direct social impact.
We have learned that we have to support a comprehensive budget that reflects our values of respect and empowerment for our artists. So we are trying a new approach in 2019 which we hope will establish a sustainable cycle for funding, and we invite you to join us!
Myself, our dedicated board and staff are all committed to a conversation with you that includes:
Transparency and accountability in reporting and documentation
Continuing the Radical Hospitality pricing with $5, $25, $50, $75 tiers and FREE readings to eliminate barriers
Individual engagement with supporters, company members and volunteers
Community engagement, enrichment and growth
Expanded grant writing and strategic development efforts
Multi-year strategic plan for the future
But all of these efforts will take time, talent, moral support and–yes–money. Until now, we have depended on a small volunteer staff and we believe that paying our artistic and administrative staff is the first place to start. I hope you will join us in supporting this important first step in this process.
We are proud that we have ended every fiscal year to date in the black and without a deficit. We have proven to be responsible with our limited resources. But cash flow has continued to be an insurmountable problem with the bulk of grants and financial gifts received after a production is complete. This impacts our vendors, our artists and every member of our community.
I ask you to be a part of this important conversation for the future of Sound Theatre Company. We hope you will consider an end-of-year gift at this time, and engage with us in 2019 as we seek to strengthen our organization and break this cycle. Click HERE to give now.
I want to thank you personally for your time and your generous support. You gift will make a meaningful difference in the lives of our community.
With deepest gratitude,
Teresa Thuman
Producing Artistic Director
You can make a secure online donation below or send a check to:
Sound Theatre Company
PO Box 99327
Seattle, WA 98139
If your work offers matching gifts your gift can go further. We can also accept gifts of stock, which can be a beneficial way to give for both parties.
Donation Link:–1/store/donate